Terms & Conditions TestCompass
In this document you will find the Terms and Conditions of TestCompass. Initially, TestCompass rejects all Terms and Conditions of other parties, unless otherwise provided by Agreement or in these Terms and Conditions. Therefore, it is not possible to derive any rights other than those stated in these Terms and Conditions.
1. Company information
TestCompass is located in the Netherlands and can be found in the Dutch trade register, under number 80399606*.
Do you want to contact TestCompass? Then you can do this via the following email address:
Or via the following contact form:
2. Definitions
- Day: calendar day;
- Digital content: data that is produced and supplied in digital form;
- TestCompass: distributor, as shown in article 1;
- Client: any Legal entity, who uses or purchases any form of service from TestCompass;
- User: any person who uses TestCompass’s services, as made available on TestCompass’s website;
- Agreement: any agreement, regardless of how these come to be between TestCompass and Client;
- Party(s): legal entity which is subjected to these Terms and Conditions or any other kind of agreement or contract between TestCompass and Client;
- Digital Services: The service as provides by TestCompass in digital form;
- Tool: Model Based Testing Tool as provided by TestCompass;
- SaaS: Software as a Service; Software provided by TestCompass for distribution to/use by Client/User;
- AWS: Amazon Web Services; cloud service used for the performance of Digital Service as provided by TestCompass;
- Written communication: Any communication that does not happen verbally, digital communication also applies under this formulation.
3. Applicability
- The TestCompass’s Terms and Conditions apply to any Agreement between TestCompass and Client, any Agreement between TestCompass and User, as well as any offer by TestCompass to provide a Service to which TestCompass has declared these Terms and Conditions applicable. Terms and Conditions of any other party are rejected. TestCompass’s Terms and Conditions always apply unless parties have expressly agreed otherwise, which is confirmed in writing.
- If there is any deviation from one or more clauses of these Terms and Conditions, the other clauses will remain valid.
- Amendments to these Terms and Conditions agreed upon in writing only apply to the cases specified in that specific Agreement.
- After accepted for the first time, the Terms and Conditions do not have to be expressly agreed upon again and again but are deemed to have been tacitly accepted. This applies to all further Agreements between TestCompass, Client and User.
4. Agreement
- The Agreement between TestCompass and Client is established by offer and acceptance (article 6:217 Dutch Civil Code), as described in article 6.
- The Agreement consists of a license agreement for the use of the Digital Service provided by TestCompass as stated in article 5.
- TestCompass offers a free Trial License, one month License and a one year License for the Tool.
- After Client purchases the license on the TestCompass website, the activation link(s) will be sent toClient.
- Client has to agree to these Terms and Conditions before being able to purchase a license.
- Employees of TestCompass or third parties engaged by TestCompass cannot make binding agreements with Client. Commitments (verbal or in writing) do not bind TestCompass until after and insofar as they have been confirmed by an authorized representative of TestCompass.
- Assessment of whether TestCompass has failed to fulfill one or more obligations (from the Agreement) is up to TestCompass. After all, all activities are performed on the basis of information provided by Client.
- If the service provided by TestCompass isn’t working in the manner as stated by the Agreement, TestCompass will try to resolve this as soon as possible. This is not a reason for dissolution of the Agreement.
5. The Tool
- The Tool is offered over the internet in the form of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) by TestCompass.
- The Digital Services consists of the use of a Model Based Testing Tool (MBT) developed by TestCompass, email support, software updates and providing the server infrastructure.
- The Tool has a graphical interface in which the User can draw a graphical test model, based on the principles of a flowchart.
- The User is able to save, import and export projects and test models within the project explorer.
- From the test model the logical and physical test cases can be automatically generated, based on a desired test case coverage. Then, the test cases can be exported to an Excel test design.
- The Tool can automatically perform an impact analysis after an update in the test model.
- TestCompass provides detailed documentation, guides and video tutorials on TestCompass’s website.
- Using the Tool cannot derive any rights from the content or operation of the tool.
6. Offer, quotation and pricing
- Client can purchase a Tool license via the website or by direct contact with TestCompass. Via the website: Client must first register online, set a password and pay the Tool online. Hereafter Client will receive an email with the activation link(s) so that Client gets direct access to the Tool. Direct Contact: Client receives a quotation or invoice. After the payment is received, the Client needs to register online and set a password. Hereafter the Client will receive an email with the activation link(s) so that Client gets direct access to the Tool.
- Payment is seen as acceptance as stated in article 4 sub 1.
- Quotations made on the website are inclusive of 21% VAT.
- If Client is a business or legal entity in the Netherlands 21% VAT is to be charged.
- If Client is a business or legal entity that is not established in the Netherlands, but within the EU, Client will be charged and pay VAT in their own country. Before purchase Client has to administrate certain information including its VAT-ID number. The Vat-ID number will be checked against the VIES database of the European Commission. If VAT-ID number is valid, then the VAT-amount of 21% will be automatically subtracted (Reverse charge mechanism of calculating VAT). If the VAT-ID number is not valid, the normal VAT rate of 21% will be applied.
- Each License shall be used only by one single person.
- Client is never permitted to set off invoice amounts at its own discretion.
7. Terms of Use
- By using the Tool User agrees to only use it for its intended purposes, as stated in article 5.
- Client must secure access to his account using the username and password against third parties. Inparticular Client must keep the password strictly confidential.
- It is not permitted to use the Tool for any purpose that violates Dutch or other applicable law orregulation. This includes (among others) the storage or transmission of data using the service that isslanderous, libelous or racist.
- Should TestCompass discover that Client violates any of the above, or receive a complaint alleging thesame, TestCompass will issue a warning. If the warning does not lead to an acceptable resolution, then TestCompass may intervene to end the violation. In urgent of serious cases TestCompass may intervene without warning.
- TestCompass is at all times entitled to file a criminal complaint for any offenses committed through or using the service.
8. Availability and maintenance
- TestCompass will make every reasonable effort to provide an interrupted operation of the Digital Service on a continuous basis.
- However, TestCompass reserves the right, without prior notification, to limit access to the Tool or temporary service suspensions for technical reasons, such as maintenance work, capacity matters, software updates, adjustments, and other occurrences that are beyond its control.
- In case maintenance is reasonably expected to negatively impact availability, TestCompass carry out such maintenance at times when use of the service is relatively low. Maintenance is announced in advance whenever possible. Emergency maintenance can take place at any time and without prior announcement.
- TestCompass may from time to time adapt the Tool. Your feedback and suggestions are welcome but ultimately TestCompass decides which adaptations to carry out or not.
9. Use of digital Service trough AWS
- The Digital Service will be provided through the Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- Via the Users computer, information is sent through an encrypted SSL/TLS connection to the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) environment allocated to TestCompass.
- The VPC will access an AES-256 encrypted data storage when any data is within the storage is accessed via the Users computer.
- All constructed projects and test models are automatically saved within this data storage and encrypted, to only be available by a specific User when accessed by username and password.
- All servers allocated to TestCompass are located in the European Union Region.
- TestCompass will take reasonable measures to protect all Services against denial of service attacks and other hacker attacks from outside. Given the accessibility of the service via the internet it cannot be guaranteed however that these or similar fraudulent actions by third parties will never occur.
10. FreeTrialAgreement
- Client can opt to choose a Free Trial for the period of 14 days after registration at TestCompass.
- TestCompass will provide the Digital Services without any remuneration for the duration of the trial period. Client can use the Tool without any functionality limit.
- After 14 days the Client will not be able to use the Tool unless the Client chooses to purchase the Tool.
- The License is purchased by a directly Client’s express request, and therefore it cannot be terminated prematurely.
- Termination of the License takes place at the end of the licensing period.
- Deletion of an account and/or in the Tool does not equal termination of the Agreement and does not enable a Client to claim any form of compensation.
- After this period the agreement is not silently renewed. Client has to purchase the Tool again.
- Before the License ends, Client will able to export the personal data, such as Projects and Models and other Test Data.
12. Liability
- Every contractual and extra-contractual liability (except liability resulting from intent or gross negligence) of TestCompass -if this should occur it’s directors or employees- and is limited to the amount stated on the invoice.
- If TestCompass is liable, then this liability is limited to what is arranged in this clause.
- If TestCompass should be liable, this liability is limited to TestCompass’s liability insurance.
- If an event occurs during the execution of Services for which TestCompass appears to be liable, no more will be paid than the maximum covered by the liability insurance of TestCompass.
- TestCompass can never be held liable for damage suffered by Client through any form of execution of activities that are not in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable in a specific geographical area. This also applies to damage caused by any form of conflict or complication from these laws and regulations.
- TestCompass is not liable for any form of damage suffered by Client, which is the result of a Client’s claim of liability due to personal (financial) damage. This clause also applies to any claim for liability towards TestCompass that takes place directly by Client.
- TestCompass is not liable for damage caused by the mall functioning of the Tool, for example in case of bad internet connection.
- TestCompass is only liable for direct damage.
- Direct damage is exclusively understood to mean the reasonable costs for determining the cause and the extent of the damage, insofar as the determination relates to damage within the meaning of these Terms and Conditions, any reasonable costs incurred to compensate the faulty performance of TestCompass, to have the Agreement answered, insofar as these can be attributed to TestCompass and reasonable costs incurred to prevent or limit damage, insofar as Client demonstrates that these costs have led to limitation of direct damage as referred to in these Terms and Conditions.
- TestCompass is never liable for indirect damage, including consequential damage, loss of profit, missed savings and damage due to business interruption.
- Client indemnifies TestCompass against all claims from third parties and will reimburse TestCompass for the costs it makes or will incur in connection with the defense against such third-party claims, which are related to or ensue from work performed by TestCompass under the Agreement(s) with Client.
- TestCompass is in no way liable for any form of guarantees given by third parties or TestCompass.
- TestCompass is not liable for any form of damage suffered by Client, any other (legal) person or third party as a result of freely placed content, in which any form of statements is made about Client, any other (legal) person or third party.
- The limitations of liability included in this article do not apply if the damage is due to intent or gross negligence on the part of TestCompass.
13. Intellectual property
- TestCompass is the owner of every text, picture, video or other form of multimedia as displayed on the TestCompass website or Tool.
- None of these items may be copied or used without prior written permission of TestCompass, except and to the extent permitted by mandatory law.
- TestCompass is and always will remain intellectual owner of the source code used for construction and use of the Tool.
- Data the Client stores or processes using the Tool is and remains the property of the Client.
- Any kind of breach of TestCompass’s Copyright will result in a fine up to 5.000 euro’s or, if need be, legal action.
- If Client sends information to TestCompass, for example a bug report or suggestion for improvement, Client grants TestCompass a perpetual and unlimited license to use this information for the service. This does not apply to information Client has expressly mark as confidential.
- TestCompass shall refrain from accessing data stored or transferred by Client unless TestCompass is forced to do so by law or order of competent authority.
14. Change of Terms
- TestCompass may change or add to these Terms and Conditions.
- TestCompass may change the prices. Price changes do not affect previously purchased licenses.
- If Client purchases the Tool again, the new Terms and Condition and prices will apply.
15. Complaints
- Client must report any kind of complaints or comments within a reasonable period, following the discovery of a faulty Service. The time limit for reporting is at least 14 days after the discovery of the faulty Service. In this case, the period starts to run from the moment Client discovers the defect or should have reasonably discovered it.
- Client should always give TestCompass the opportunity to fix the defect. A reasonable period for this is set between the parties for each defect. If a notification consists of several defects, an appropriate time limit for recovery shall be determined for each defect.
- Assessment whether any kind of compensation will be made to Client for the defect, is always on the side of TestCompass.
- Assessment of the form of work carried out to repair the defect is also always up to TestCompass.
16. Privacy
TestCompass will always conform to the General Data Protection Regulation and/or any related laws and regulations. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.
17. Force of majority
- TestCompass is not liable for damage as a result of circumstances that were not foreseeable for TestCompass at the time of entering into the Agreement. Such circumstances include: malfunction of AWS servers, malfunction of AWS related services, lack of raw materials, factory failure of any kind, strike, exclusion or lack of workers, quarantine, epidemics, pandemics natural disasters, mobilization, martial law, state of war or war, traffic congestion at railways or lack of means of transport, traffic blocks, illness regardless of the reason or cause thereof or other unforeseen circumstances that were not known when the Agreement was entered into.
- TestCompass has the right to suspend or dissolve the fulfillment of the Agreement in the event of force majeure. TestCompass reserves the right to invoice the already executed part of the Agreement to Client. Invoicing will only take place if another form of compensation has been agreed than no cure, no pay.
- If TestCompass nevertheless carries out a temporarily suspended part of the Agreement at a later date, Client will owe the entire agreed consideration without any form of discount.
18. Conversion
If and insofar as no grounds can be invoked on the basis of the reasonableness and fairness or the unreasonably onerous nature of any of the clauses of the Agreement and the Terms and Conditions, the relevant clause will in any case have a corresponding meaning with regard to content and scope, so that an appeal can be made.
19. Aftereffect
If it is expressly or tacitly intended that clauses in these Terms and Conditions remain in effect, they will remain in effect after termination of the Agreement between the parties.
20. Conflicting clauses
If the Terms and Conditions and the Agreement contain conflicting provisions, the provisions as included in the Agreement concluded between the parties apply. This only applies if it contains an explicit Order Confirmation. In any other case, the provisions as included in these Terms and Conditions apply.
21. Not complying with the Terms & Conditions
If Client does not comply with the clauses of these Terms and Conditions, TestCompass has the right to refuse to perform further services for Client, as well as to remove, cancel or suspend any form of links and other matters related to Client.
22. Applicable law
Dutch law applies to all agreements between Client and TestCompass, as well as these Terms and Conditions.
23. Competent court
The District Court of Midden-Nederland, location Utrecht (chamber of civil affairs/canton) is competent to hear disputes. Nevertheless, TestCompass has the right to submit the dispute to a court that has jurisdiction according to the law.
24. Final Provision
In all cases not provided for by these Terms and Conditions, the Agreement will be interpreted in the light of these Terms and Conditions and within reason and fairness.
Do you have any questions regarding our Terms and Conditions? Please feel free to contact TestCompass via the details below!
*Dutch trade register number: 803996062 Version 2021
Terms & Conditions TestCompass
In this document you will find the Terms and Conditions of TestCompass. Initially, TestCompass rejects all Terms and Conditions of other parties, unless otherwise provided by Agreement or in these Terms and Conditions. Therefore, it is not possible to derive any rights other than those stated in these Terms and Conditions.
1. Company information
TestCompass is located in the Netherlands and can be found in the Dutch trade register, under number 80399606.[1]
Do you want to contact TestCompass? Then you can do this via the following email address:
Or via the following contact form:
2. Definitions
- Day: calendar day;
- Digital content: data that is produced and supplied in digital form;
- TestCompass: distributor, as shown in article 1;
- Consumer: any natural person not working out of a Legal entity, who uses or purchases any form of service from TestCompass;
- User: any person who uses TestCompass’s services, as made available on TestCompass’s website;
- Agreement: any agreement, regardless of how these come to be between TestCompass and Consumer;
- Party(s): natural persons which are subjected to these Terms & Conditions or any other kind of agreement or contract between TestCompass and Consumer;
- Digital Services: The service as provides by TestCompass in digital form;
- Tool: Model Based Testing Tool as provided by TestCompass;
- SaaS: Software as a Service; Software provided by TestCompass for distribution to/use by Consumer/User;
- AWS: Amazon Web Services; cloud service used for the performance of Digital Service as provided by TestCompass;
- Written communication: Any communication that does not happen verbally, digital communication also applies under this formulation.
3. Applicability
- The TestCompass’s Terms and Conditions apply to any Agreement between TestCompass and Consumer, any Agreement between TestCompass and User, as well as any offer by TestCompass to provide a Service to which TestCompass has declared these Terms and Conditions applicable. Terms and Conditions of any other party are rejected. TestCompass’s Terms and Conditions always apply unless parties have expressly agreed otherwise, which is confirmed in writing.
- If there is any deviation from one or more clauses of these Terms and Conditions, the other clauses will remain valid.
- Amendments to these Terms and Conditions agreed upon in writing only apply to the cases specified in that specific Agreement.
- After accepted for the first time, the Terms and Conditions do not have to be expressly agreed upon again and again but are deemed to have been tacitly accepted. This applies to all further Agreements between TestCompass, Consumer and User.
4. Agreement
- The Agreement between TestCompass and Consumer is established by offer and acceptance (article 6:217 Dutch Civil Code), as described in article 6.
- The Agreement consists of a license agreement for the use of the Digital Service provided by TestCompass as stated in article 5.
- TestCompass offers a free Trial License, one month License and a one year License for the Tool.
- After Consumer purchases the license on the TestCompass website, the activation link(s) will be sent to Consumer.
- Consumer has to agree to these Terms and Conditions before being able to purchase a license.
- Employees of TestCompass or third parties engaged by TestCompass cannot make binding agreements with Consumer. Commitments (verbal or in writing) do not bind TestCompass until after and insofar as they have been confirmed by an authorized representative of TestCompass.
- Assessment of whether TestCompass has failed to fulfill one or more obligations (from the Agreement) is up to TestCompass. After all, all activities are performed on the basis of information provided by Consumer.
- If the service provided by TestCompass isn’t working in the manner as stated by the Agreement, TestCompass will try to resolve this as soon as possible. This is not a reason for dissolution of the Agreement.
5. The Tool
- The Tool is offered over the internet in the form of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) by TestCompass.
- The Digital Services consists of the use of a Model Based Testing Tool (MBT) developed by TestCompass, email support, software updates and providing the server infrastructure.
- The Tool has a graphical interface in which the User can draw a graphical test model, based on the principles of a flowchart.
- The User is able to save, import and export projects and test models within the project explorer.
- From the test model the logical and physical test cases can be automatically generated, based on a desired test case coverage. Then, the test cases can be exported to an Excel test design.
- The Tool can automatically perform an impact analysis after an update in the test model.
- TestCompass provides detailed documentation, guides and video tutorials on TestCompass’s website.
- Using the Tool cannot derive any rights from the content or operation of the tool.
6. Offer, quotation and pricing
- Consumer can purchase a Tool license via the website or by direct contact with TestCompass.
- Via the website: Consumer must first register online, set a password and pay the Tool online. Hereafter Consumer will receive an email with the activation link(s) so that Consumer gets direct access to the Tool.
- Direct Contact: Consumer receives a quotation or invoice. After the payment is received, the Consumer needs to register online and set a password. Hereafter the Consumer will receive an email with the activation link(s) so that Consumer gets direct access to the Tool.
- Payment is seen as acceptance as stated in article 4 sub 1.
- Prices on the website are inclusive of 21% VAT.
- Each License shall be used only by one single person.
- Consumer is never permitted to set off invoice amounts at its own discretion.
7. Terms of Use
- By using the Tool User agrees to only use it for its intended purposes, as stated in article 5.
- Consumer must secure access to his account using the username and password against third parties. In particular consumer must keep the password strictly confidential.
- It is not permitted to use the Tool for any purpose that violates Dutch or other applicable law or regulation. This includes (among others) the storage or transmission of data using the service that is slanderous, libelous or racist.
- Should TestCompass discover that Consumer violates any of the above, or receive a complaint alleging the same, TestCompass will issue a warning. If the warning does not lead to an acceptable resolution, then TestCompass may intervene to end the violation. In urgent of serious cases TestCompass may intervene without warning.
- TestCompass is at all times entitled to file a criminal complaint for any offenses committed through or using the service.
8. Availability and maintenance
- TestCompass will make every reasonable effort to provide an interrupted operation of the Digital Service on a continuous basis.
- However, TestCompass reserves the right, without prior notification, to limit access to the Tool or temporary service suspensions for technical reasons, such as maintenance work, capacity matters, software updates, adjustments, and other occurrences that are beyond its control.
- In case maintenance is reasonably expected to negatively impact availability, TestCompass carry out such maintenance at times when use of the service is relatively low. Maintenance is announced in advance whenever possible. Emergency maintenance can take place at any time and without prior announcement.
- TestCompass may from time to time adapt the Tool. Your feedback and suggestions are welcome but ultimately TestCompass decides which adaptations to carry out or not.
9. Use of digital Service trough AWS
- The Digital Service will be provided through the Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- Via the Users computer, information is sent through an encrypted SSL/TLS connection to the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) environment allocated to TestCompass.
- The VPC will access an AES-256 encrypted data storage when any data is within the storage is accessed via the Users computer.
- All constructed projects and test models are automatically saved within this data storage and encrypted, to only be available by a specific User when accessed by username and password.
- All servers allocated to TestCompass are located in the European Union Region.
- TestCompass will take reasonable measures to protect all Services against denial of service attacks and other hacker attacks from outside. Given the accessibility of the service via the internet it cannot be guaranteed however that these or similar fraudulent actions by third parties will never occur.
10. Free Trial Agreement
- Consumer can opt to choose a Free Trial for the period of 14 days after registration at TestCompass.
- TestCompass will provide the Digital Services without any remuneration for the duration of the trial period. Consumer can use the Tool without any functionality limit.
- After 14 days the Consumer will not be able to use the Tool unless the Consumer chooses to purchase the Tool.
11. Termination
- The License is purchased by a directly Consumer’s express request, and therefore it cannot be terminated prematurely.
- Termination of the License takes place at the end of the licensing period.
- Deletion of an account and/or in the Tool does not equal termination of the Agreement and does not enable a Consumer to claim any form of compensation.
- After this period the agreement is not silently renewed. Consumer has to purchase the Tool again.
- Before the License ends, Consumer will able to export the personal data, such as Projects and Models and other Test Data.
12. Liability
- Every contractual and extra-contractual liability (except liability resulting from intent or gross negligence) of TestCompass -if this should occur it’s directors or employees- and is limited to the amount stated on the invoice.
- If TestCompass is liable, then this liability is limited to what is arranged in this clause.
- If TestCompass should be liable, this liability is limited to TestCompass’s liability insurance.
- If an event occurs during the execution of Services for which TestCompass appears to be liable, no more will be paid than the maximum covered by the liability insurance of TestCompass.
- TestCompass can never be held liable for damage suffered by Consumer through any form of execution of activities that are not in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable in a specific geographical area. This also applies to damage caused by any form of conflict or complication from these laws and regulations.
- TestCompass is not liable for any form of damage suffered by Consumer, which is the result of a Consumer’s claim of liability due to personal (financial) damage. This clause also applies to any claim for liability towards TestCompass that takes place directly by Consumer.
- TestCompass is not liable for damage caused by the mall functioning of the Tool, for example in case of bad internet connection.
- TestCompass is only liable for direct damage.
- Direct damage is exclusively understood to mean the reasonable costs for determining the cause and the extent of the damage, insofar as the determination relates to damage within the meaning of these Terms and Conditions, any reasonable costs incurred to compensate the faulty performance of TestCompass, to have the Agreement answered, insofar as these can be attributed to TestCompass and reasonable costs incurred to prevent or limit damage, insofar as Consumer demonstrates that these costs have led to limitation of direct damage as referred to in these Terms and Conditions.
- TestCompass is never liable for indirect damage, including consequential damage, loss of profit, missed savings and damage due to business interruption.
- Consumer indemnifies TestCompass against all claims from third parties, and will reimburse TestCompass for the costs it makes or will incur in connection with the defense against such third-party claims, which are related to or ensue from work performed by TestCompass under the Agreement(s) with Consumer.
- TestCompass is in no way liable for any form of guarantees given by third parties or TestCompass.
- TestCompass is not liable for any form of damage suffered by Consumer, any other (legal) person or third party as a result of freely placed content, in which any form of statements is made about Consumer, any other (legal) person or third party.
- The limitations of liability included in this article do not apply if the damage is due to intent or gross negligence on the part of TestCompass.
13. Intellectual property
- TestCompass is the owner of every text, picture, video or other form of multimedia as displayed on the TestCompass website or Tool.
- None of these items may be copied or used without prior written permission of TestCompass, except and to the extent permitted by mandatory law.
- TestCompass is and always will remain intellectual owner of the source code used for construction and use of the Tool.
- Data the Consumer stores or processes using the Tool is and remains the property of the Consumer.
- Any kind of breach of TestCompass’s Copyright will result in a fine up to 5.000 euro’s or, if need be, legal action.
- If Consumer sends information to TestCompass, for example a bug report or suggestion for improvement, Consumer grants TestCompass a perpetual and unlimited license to use this information for the service. This does not apply to information Consumer has expressly mark as confidential.
- TestCompass shall refrain from accessing data stored or transferred by Consumer unless TestCompass is forced to do so by law or order of competent authority.
14. Change of Terms
- TestCompass may change or add to these Terms and Conditions.
- TestCompass may change the prices. Price changes do not affect previously purchased licenses.
- If Consumer purchases the Tool again, the new Terms and Condition and prices will apply.
15. Complaints
- Consumer must report any kind of complaints or comments within a reasonable period, following the discovery of a faulty Service. The time limit for reporting is at least 14 days after the discovery of the faulty Service. In this case, the period starts to run from the moment Consumer discovers the defect or should have reasonably discovered it.
- Consumer should always give TestCompass the opportunity to fix the defect. A reasonable period for this is set between the parties for each defect. If a notification consists of several defects, an appropriate time limit for recovery shall be determined for each defect.
- Assessment whether any kind of compensation will be made to Consumer for the defect, is always on the side of TestCompass.
- Assessment of the form of work carried out to repair the defect is also always up to TestCompass.
16. Privacy
TestCompass will always conform to the General Data Protection Regulation and/or any related laws and regulations. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.
17. Force of majority
- TestCompass is not liable for damage as a result of circumstances that were not foreseeable for TestCompass at the time of entering into the Agreement. Such circumstances include: malfunction of AWS servers, malfunction of AWS related services, lack of raw materials, factory failure of any kind, strike, exclusion or lack of workers, quarantine, epidemics, pandemics natural disasters, mobilization, martial law, state of war or war, traffic congestion at railways or lack of means of transport, traffic blocks, illness regardless of the reason or cause thereof or other unforeseen circumstances that were not known when the Agreement was entered into.
- TestCompass has the right to suspend or dissolve the fulfillment of the Agreement in the event of force majeure. TestCompass reserves the right to invoice the already executed part of the Agreement to Consumer. Invoicing will only take place if another form of compensation has been agreed than no cure, no pay.
- If TestCompass nevertheless carries out a temporarily suspended part of the Agreement at a later date, Consumer will owe the entire agreed consideration without any form of discount.
18. Conversion
If and insofar as no grounds can be invoked on the basis of the reasonableness and fairness or the unreasonably onerous nature of any of the clauses of the Agreement and the Terms and Conditions, the relevant clause will in any case have a corresponding meaning with regard to content and scope, so that an appeal can be made.
19. Aftereffect
If it is expressly or tacitly intended that clauses in these Terms and Conditions remain in effect, they will remain in effect after termination of the Agreement between the parties.
20. Conflicting clauses
If the Terms and Conditions and the Agreement contain conflicting provisions, the provisions as included in the Agreement concluded between the parties apply. This only applies if it contains an explicit Order Confirmation. In any other case, the provisions as included in these Terms and Conditions apply.
21. Not complying with the Terms & Conditions
If Consumer does not comply with the clauses of these Terms and Conditions, TestCompass has the right to refuse to perform further services for Consumer, as well as to remove, cancel or suspend any form of links and other matters related to Consumer.
22. Applicable law
Dutch law applies to all agreements between Consumer and TestCompass, as well as these Terms and Conditions.
23. Competent court
The District Court of Midden-Nederland, location Utrecht (chamber of civil affairs/canton) is competent to hear disputes. Nevertheless, TestCompass has the right to submit the dispute to a court that has jurisdiction according to the law.
24. Final Provision
In all cases not provided for by these Terms and Conditions, the Agreement will be interpreted in the light of these Terms and Conditions and within reason and fairness.
Do you have any questions regarding our Terms and Conditions? Please feel free to contact TestCompass via the details below!
Dutch trade register number: 80399606 [*1]
Version 2020
[*1] In Dutch referred to as: ‘Kamer van Koophandel’
Algemene Voorwaarden TestCompass
In dit document vindt u de Algemene Voorwaarden van TestCompass. Er kunnen geen andere rechten worden ontleend dan die vermeld in deze Algemene Voorwaarden.
1. Bedrijfsinformatie
TestCompass is gevestigd in Nederland en is te vinden in het Nederlandse handelsregister (KVK) onder nummer 80399606 [*1].
Contact opnemen met TestCompass? Dan kunt u dit doen via het volgende e-mailadres:
Of via het volgende contactformulier:
2. Definities
- Dag: kalenderdag;
- Digitale inhoud: alle gegevens die in digitale vorm geproduceerd en geleverd worden;
- TestCompass: distributeur, zoals weergegeven in artikel 1 van deze Algemene Voorwaarden;
- Consument: iedere natuurlijke persoon die niet handelt namens een rechtspersoon, die enige vorm van dienst van TestCompass gebruikt of afneemt;
- Gebruiker: elke persoon die gebruik maakt van de diensten van TestCompass, zoals beschikbaar gesteld op de website van TestCompass;
- Overeenkomst: iedere Overeenkomst, hoe deze ook tot stand komt tussen TestCompass en Consument;
- Partij(en): natuurlijke personen die onderworpen zijn aan deze Algemene Voorwaarden of enige andere Overeenkomst tussen TestCompass en Consument;
- Digitale Service: de dienst zoals die door TestCompass in digitale vorm wordt geleverd;
- Tool: Model Based Testing Tool zoals geleverd door TestCompass;
- SaaS: Software as a Service; Software geleverd door TestCompass voor distributie naar of gebruik door een Consument/ Gebruiker;
- AWS: Amazon Web Services; clouddienst die wordt gebruikt voor de uitvoering van digitale dienst zoals geleverd door TestCompass;
- Schriftelijke communicatie: elke communicatie die niet mondeling plaatsvindt, digitale communicatie valt hier ook onder.
3. Toepasbaarheid
- De Algemene Voorwaarden van TestCompass zijn van toepassing op elke Overeenkomst tussen TestCompass en Consument, elke Overeenkomst tussen TestCompass en Gebruiker, evenals elk aanbod van TestCompass om een Dienst te verlenen waarop TestCompass deze Algemene Voorwaarden van toepassing op heeft verklaard. De Algemene Voorwaarden van TestCompass zijn altijd van toepassing tenzij partijen uitdrukkelijk anders zijn overeengekomen, hetgeen altijd schriftelijk zal worden bevestigd.
- Indien wordt afgeweken van één of meerdere clausules van deze Algemene Voorwaarden, blijven de overige clausules van kracht.
- Schriftelijk overeengekomen wijzigingen van deze Algemene Voorwaarden zijn alleen van toepassing op de gevallen die in die specifieke Overeenkomst zijn gespecificeerd.
- De Algemene Voorwaarden hoeven na eerste aanvaarding niet steeds opnieuw uitdrukkelijk te worden overeengekomen, maar worden geacht stilzwijgend te zijn aanvaard. Dit geldt voor alle verdere Overeenkomsten tussen TestCompass, Consument en Gebruiker.
4. Overeenkomst
- De Overeenkomst tussen TestCompass en Consument komt tot stand door aanbod en aanvaarding (artikel 6: 217 BW), zoals beschreven in artikel 6.
- De overeenkomst bestaat uit een Licentieovereenkomst voor het gebruik van de Digitale Service van TestCompass zoals beschreven in artikel 5.
- TestCompass biedt een gratis proeflicentie (14 dagen), een maandlicentie en een jaarlicentie van de Tool aan.
- Nadat de Consument de licentie voor de Tool op de website van TestCompass heeft aangeschaft, ontvangt Consument per e-mail de activatielink(s).
- De Consument moet akkoord gaan met deze Algemene Voorwaarden voordat een licentie aangeschaft kan worden.
- Medewerkers van TestCompass of door TestCompass ingeschakelde derden kunnen geen bindende afspraken maken met Consument. Toezeggingen (mondeling of schriftelijk) binden TestCompass nadat en voor zover deze zijn bevestigd door een bevoegde vertegenwoordiger van TestCompass.
- De beoordeling of TestCompass een of meer verplichtingen (uit de Overeenkomst) niet is nagekomen, is aan TestCompass zelf.
- Indien de dienstverlening van TestCompass niet werkt zoals in de Overeenkomst is aangegeven, zal TestCompass proberen dit zo snel mogelijk op te lossen. Dit is geen reden om de Overeenkomst te ontbinden.
5. De Tool
- De Tool wordt door TestCompass via internet aangeboden als een Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
- De digitale diensten die TestCompass aanbiedt, bestaan uit het gebruik van een door TestCompass ontwikkeld Model Based Testing Tool (MBT), email support, software updates en het verzorgen van de serverinfrastructuur.
- De Tool heeft een grafische interface waarin de Gebruiker een grafisch testmodel kan tekenen, gebaseerd op de principes van een flowchart.
- De Gebruiker kan projecten en testmodellen opslaan, importeren en exporteren binnen de project explorer.
- Vanuit het testmodel kunnen logische en fysieke testgevallen automatisch worden gegenereerd, op basis van een gewenste testdekking. Vervolgens kunnen de testgevallen worden geëxporteerd naar een Excel testdesign.
- De Tool voert automatisch een impactanalyse uit na een update in het testmodel.
- TestCompass beschikt over gedetailleerde documentatie, handleidingen en instructievideo’s op de website.
- Er kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend aan de inhoud of werking van de Tool.
6. Aanbieding, offerte en prijzen
- Consument kan een licentie aanschaffen via de website of door direct contact met TestCompass op te nemen.
- Via de website: Consument moet zich eerst online registreren, een wachtwoord instellen en de Tool online betalen. Hierna ontvangt Consument een email met de activatie link(s) zodat direct toegang tot de Tool wordt verkregen.
- Rechtstreeks contact: Consument ontvangt een offerte of factuur. Nadat de betaling is ontvangen, ontvangt Consument een email met de activatie link(s). De Gebruiker dient een aantal persoonlijke gegevens op te geven en een wachtwoord in te stellen waarna direct toegang tot de Tool wordt verkregen.
- Een betaling wordt gezien als acceptatie zoals vermeld in artikel 4 lid 1.
- Vermelde prijzen op de website zijn inclusief 21% BTW. Deze gelden voor Consumenten in Nederland.
- Elke licentie is gekoppeld aan één enkele Gebruiker.
- Het is Consument nimmer toegestaan om naar eigen inzicht factuurbedragen te verrekenen.
7. Gebruikersvoorwaarden
- Door de Tool te gebruiken, stemt de Gebruiker ermee in deze alleen te gebruiken voor de beoogde doeleinden, zoals vermeld in artikel 5.
- Consument moet de toegang tot zijn account beveiligen door de gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord af te schermen voor onbevoegden. In het bijzonder dient Consument het wachtwoord strikt geheim te houden.
- Het is niet toegestaan de Tool te gebruiken voor doeleinden die in strijd zijn met de Nederlandse of andere toepasselijke wet- of regelgeving. Dit omvat (onder andere) de opslag of verzending van data via de Tool, die lasterlijk of racistisch is.
- Mocht TestCompass ontdekken dat de Consument een van de bovenstaande zaken overtreedt, of een klacht ontvangen die hierop betrekking heeft, dan zal TestCompass een waarschuwing geven. Als de waarschuwing niet tot een acceptabele oplossing leidt, is TestCompass gerechtigd om op te treden. Bij dringende of ernstige zaken kan TestCompass zonder waarschuwing ingrijpen.
- TestCompass is gerechtigd om een (strafrechtelijke) klacht in te dienen bij strafbare feiten.
8. Beschikbaarheid en onderhoud
- TestCompass zal er alles aan doen om continu een juiste werking van de Tool aan te bieden.
- TestCompass behoudt zich echter het recht voor om zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving de toegang tot de Tool tijdelijk op te schorten om technische redenen, zoals onderhoudswerkzaamheden, capaciteitskwesties, software-updates, aanpassingen en andere gebeurtenissen die buiten de macht liggen van TestCompass.
- Indien redelijkerwijs verwacht wordt dat onderhoud de beschikbaarheid negatief zal beïnvloeden, voert TestCompass dergelijk onderhoud uit op momenten dat het gebruik van de dienst relatief laag is. Onderhoud wordt zo mogelijk vooraf aangekondigd. Noodonderhoud kan op elk moment plaatsvinden zonder voorafgaande aankondiging.
- TestCompass mag van tijd tot tijd de Tool aanpassen. Daarbij zijn feedback en suggesties welkom, maar uiteindelijk beslist TestCompass zelf welke aanpassingen worden gevoerd.
9. Gebruik van Digitale Service via AWS
- De Digitale Service wordt geleverd via Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- Via de computer van de Gebruiker wordt informatie versleuteld verzonden via een SSL/TLS-verbinding naar de Virtual Private Cloudomgeving (VPC) van TestCompass.
- De VPC heeft toegang tot een AES-256 versleutelde dataopslag wanneer gegevens in de opslag worden opgevraagd door de computer van een Gebruiker.
- Alle projecten en testmodellen die door de Gebruiker zijn opgesteld, worden automatisch opgeslagen in deze gegevensopslag en versleuteld, zodat ze alleen beschikbaar zijn voor een specifieke Gebruiker wanneer deze inlogt met gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord.
- Alle servers die aan TestCompass zijn toegewezen, bevinden zich in de regio van de Europese Unie.
- TestCompass zal zoveel mogelijk maatregelen treffen om de Tool te beschermen tegen hackeraanvallen van buitenaf. Gezien de toegankelijkheid van de dienst via internet kan echter niet worden gegarandeerd dat deze of gelijkaardige frauduleuze handelingen van derden nooit zullen plaatsvinden.
10. Gratis Proeflicentie
- Consument kan kiezen voor een gratis proeflicentie voor de periode van 14 dagen na registratie bij TestCompass.
- TestCompass levert de Tool zonder enige vergoeding gedurende de proefperiode. Consument kan de Tool gebruiken zonder enige functionaliteitsbeperkingen.
- Na 14 dagen kan de Consument de tool niet meer gebruiken, tenzij Consument ervoor kiest om de tool aan te schaffen.
11. Beëindiging
- Omdat de Licentie direct geleverd wordt, en wel op uitdrukkelijk verzoek van Consument, is het niet mogelijk om de licentie vroegtijdig te beëindigen.
- De Licentie wordt voor een bepaalde tijd aangeschaft en eindigt automatisch op de einddatum.
- Het verwijderen van een account en/of data stelt een Consument niet in staat aanspraak te maken op enige vorm van vergoeding voor de ongebruikte periode.
- Voordat de Licentie verloopt, kan de Gebruiker persoonlijke data exporteren, zoals Projecten en Modellen en andere Test Data.
12. Aansprakelijkheid
- Iedere contractuele en buitencontractuele aansprakelijkheid (uitgezonderd aansprakelijkheid wegens opzet of grove schuld) van TestCompass en – indien dit zou gebeuren haar bestuurders en medewerkers, is beperkt tot het bedrag zoals vermeld op de factuur.
- Indien TestCompass aansprakelijk is, dan is deze aansprakelijkheid beperkt tot hetgeen in dit artikel is geregeld.
- Indien TestCompass aansprakelijk mocht zijn, is deze aansprakelijkheid beperkt tot de aansprakelijkheidsverzekering van TestCompass.
- Indien zich tijdens de uitvoering van Diensten een gebeurtenis voordoet waarvoor TestCompass aansprakelijk blijkt te zijn, wordt niet meer uitgekeerd dan maximaal is gedekt door de aansprakelijkheidsverzekering van TestCompass.
- TestCompass kan nimmer aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor schade die Consument lijdt door enige vorm van uitvoering van werkzaamheden die niet in overeenstemming zijn met de wet- en regelgeving die in een bepaald geografisch gebied van toepassing is. Dit geldt ook voor schade veroorzaakt door enige vorm van tegenstrijdigheid of complicatie van deze wet- en regelgeving.
- TestCompass is niet aansprakelijk voor enige vorm van schade die Consument lijdt, die het gevolg is van een aansprakelijkheidsvordering van een Consument wegens persoonlijke (financiële) schade. Deze clausule is ook van toepassing op elke aansprakelijkheidsvordering jegens TestCompass die rechtstreeks door Consument plaatsvindt.
- TestCompass is niet aansprakelijk voor schade veroorzaakt door het niet functioneren van de Tool, zoals bijvoorbeeld bij slechte internetverbindingen.
- TestCompass is alleen aansprakelijk voor directe schade.
- Onder directe schade wordt uitsluitend verstaan de redelijke kosten ter vaststelling van de oorzaak en de omvang van de schade, voor zover de vaststelling betrekking heeft op schade in de zin van deze Algemene Voorwaarden, eventuele redelijke kosten gemaakt om de gebrekkige prestatie van TestCompass aan de overeenkomst te laten beantwoorden, voor zoveel deze aan TestCompass toegerekend kunnen worden en redelijke kosten, gemaakt ter voorkoming of beperking van schade, voor zover Consument aantoont dat deze kosten hebben geleid tot beperking van directe schade als bedoeld in deze Algemene Voorwaarden.
- TestCompass is nimmer aansprakelijk voor indirecte schade, daaronder begrepen gevolgschade, gederfde winst, gemiste besparingen en schade door bedrijfsstagnatie.
- Consument vrijwaart TestCompass voor alle aanspraken van derden en vergoedt aan TestCompass de kosten die gemaakt zijn of zal maken in verband met de verdediging tegen dergelijke aanspraken van derden, die verband houden met of voortvloeien uit werkzaamheden die door TestCompass onder de Overeenkomst(en) met Consument zijn verricht.
- TestCompass is op geen enkele wijze aansprakelijk voor enige vorm van garantie gegeven door derden of TestCompass.
- TestCompass is niet aansprakelijk voor enige vorm van schade die Consument, enige andere (rechts) persoon of derde lijdt als gevolg van vrij geplaatste content, waarin op enigerlei wijze uitlatingen worden gedaan over Consument, enige andere (rechts) persoon of derde partij.
- De in dit artikel opgenomen aansprakelijkheidsbeperkingen gelden niet indien de schade te wijten is aan opzet of grove schuld van TestCompass.
13. Auteursrecht
- TestCompass is de eigenaar van elke tekst, foto, video of andere vorm van multimedia zoals weergegeven op de website van TestCompass of Tool.
- Geen van deze items mag worden gekopieerd of gebruikt zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van TestCompass, behalve en voor zover toegestaan door dwingend recht
- TestCompass is en blijft altijd intellectueel eigenaar van de broncode die wordt gebruikt voor de constructie en het gebruik van de Tool.
- Data die Gebruiker opslaat of verwerkt in de Tool is en blijft eigendom van Gebruiker.
- Elke vorm van schending van het Copyright van TestCompass zal resulteren in een boete van maximaal 5.000 euro of, indien nodig, zullen juridische stappen ondernomen worden.
- Als Consument informatie naar TestCompass stuurt, zoals bijvoorbeeld een foutbevinding of een suggestie voor verbetering, verleent Consument TestCompass toestemming om deze informatie te gebruiken. Dit geldt niet voor informatie die Consument uitdrukkelijk als vertrouwelijk heeft aangemerkt.
- TestCompass zal zich onthouden van toegang tot de data die is opgeslagen door Gebruiker, tenzij dit noodzakelijk is op grond van de wet of een bevel van het bevoegd gezag wordt gedwongen.
14. Wijziging van de Voorwaarden
- TestCompass behoudt zich het recht voor om deze Algemene Voorwaarden te wijzigen of aan te vullen.
- TestCompass kan de prijzen wijzigen. Prijswijzigingen hebben geen invloed op reeds aangeschafte licenties.
- Als Consument de tool opnieuw koopt, zijn de nieuwe Algemene Voorwaarden en prijzen van toepassing.
15. Klachten
- Consumenten dienen klachten of opmerkingen binnen een redelijke termijn na ontdekking van een gebrekkige Dienst te melden. De termijn voor melding is maximaal 14 dagen na ontdekking van de defecte Dienst. In dat geval begint de termijn te lopen vanaf het moment dat de Consument het gebrek ontdekt of redelijkerwijs had behoren te ontdekken.
- Consument dient TestCompass altijd in de gelegenheid te stellen een gebrek te herstellen. Per gebrek wordt hiervoor tussen partijen een redelijke termijn gesteld. Indien een melding uit meerdere gebreken bestaat, wordt voor elk gebrek een passende hersteltermijn bepaald.
- De beoordeling of er voor het gebrek enige vorm van vergoeding aan de Consument wordt verleend, wordt altijd door TestCompass beoordeeld.
- Beoordeling over de vorm van de werkzaamheden om het defect te herstellen is eveneens altijd aan TestCompass.
16. Privacy
TestCompass zal zich altijd houden aan de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming en/of aanverwante wet- en regelgeving. Raadpleeg het Privacy Beleid van TestCompass voor meer informatie.
17. Overmacht
- TestCompass is niet aansprakelijk voor schade als gevolg van omstandigheden die ten tijde van het aangaan van de Overeenkomst niet voor TestCompass te voorzien waren. Dergelijke omstandigheden omvatten: storing van AWS-servers, storing van AWS-gerelateerde services, gebrek aan grondstoffen, fabriek falen van welke aard dan ook, staking, uitsluiting of gebrek aan werknemers, quarantaine, epidemieën, pandemieën, natuurrampen, mobilisatie, staat van beleg, oorlog of staat van oorlog, verkeersopstoppingen bij spoorwegen of gebrek aan transportmiddelen, verkeersblokkades, ziekte ongeacht de reden of oorzaak daarvan of andere onvoorziene omstandigheden die niet bekend waren bij het aangaan van de Overeenkomst.
- TestCompass heeft het recht de uitvoering van de Overeenkomst op te schorten of te ontbinden in geval van overmacht. TestCompass behoudt zich het recht voor om het reeds uitgevoerde deel van de Overeenkomst aan de Opdrachtgever te factureren. Facturering vindt alleen plaats indien een andere vorm van vergoeding is overeengekomen dan geen oplossing geen betaling.
- Indien TestCompass een tijdelijk opgeschort deel van de Overeenkomst op een later tijdstip toch uitvoert, is Consument zonder enige vorm van korting de gehele overeengekomen tegenprestatie verschuldigd.
18. Conversie
Indien en voor zover geen grond kan worden ingeroepen op grond van de redelijkheid en billijkheid over het onredelijk bezwarende karakter van één of meerdere clausules uit de Overeenkomst en de Algemene Voorwaarden, hebben de betreffende artikelen in ieder geval een overeenkomstige betekenis met betrekking tot inhoud en reikwijdte, zodat een beroep kan worden gedaan.
19. Nawerking
Indien het uitdrukkelijk of stilzwijgend de bedoeling is dat clausules in deze Algemene Voorwaarden van kracht blijven, blijven deze van kracht na beëindiging van de Overeenkomst tussen partijen.
20. Tegenstrijdige clausules
Indien de Algemene Voorwaarden en de Overeenkomst tegenstrijdige bepalingen bevatten, gelden de bepalingen zoals opgenomen in de tussen partijen gesloten Overeenkomst. Dit is alleen van toepassing als het een expliciete Orderbevestiging bevat. In alle andere gevallen zijn de bepalingen zoals opgenomen in deze Algemene Voorwaarden van toepassing.
21. Het niet naleven van de Algemene Voorwaarden
Indien de Consument de bepalingen van deze Algemene Voorwaarden niet naleeft, heeft TestCompass het recht om verdere dienstverlening aan de Consument te weigeren, alsmede om enige vorm van links en andere zaken met betrekking tot Consument te verwijderen, te annuleren of op te schorten.
22. Toepasselijk recht
Op alle Overeenkomsten tussen Consument en TestCompass is het Nederlands recht van toepassing, evenals op deze Algemene Voorwaarden.
23. Bevoegde rechtbank
De Rechtbank Midden-Nederland, locatie Utrecht (kamer burgerlijke zaken/ kanton) is bevoegd van de geschillen kennis te nemen. Niettemin heeft TestCompass het recht de geschillen voor te leggen aan de volgens de wet bevoegde rechter.
24. Slotbepaling
In alle gevallen waarin deze Algemene Voorwaarden niet voorzien, zal de Overeenkomst worden geïnterpreteerd in het licht van deze Algemene Voorwaarden en in redelijkheid en billijkheid.
Heeft u vragen over de Algemene Voorwaarden? Neem dan gerust contact met TestCompass op via onderstaande gegevens!
Kamer van Koophandelnummer: 803 99 606
Version 2020