BDD requirements discovery practices supported by TestCompass

Often there appears to be confusion about the concept of Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and far too often BDD is seen as a testing approach. Is this maybe because BDD grew from a response to Test Driven Development (TDD), as explained by BDD pioneer Daniel Terhorst-North? Although there may be misunderstandings regarding the concept of...

eMBT with TestCompass in practice

“That looks very nice and it works fine. But sorry, it’s actually not what we wanted” Do you recognize this? Off course you want to prevent this, because it indicates that you have delivered a product that might look nice and works fine but is not in accordance with the customers wishes. Still 35% of...

Test Pyramide eMBT

Shift-left with early Model Based Testing (eMBT) ~full version~

Nowadays more and more test activities are being automated, especially when it comes to executing  test cases. But what about the development of  test cases? Are the test cases still being developed in a structured way with a certain test coverage and based on a well-considered risk? When there is a change in the test...

Drawing flow chart

Shift-left with early Model Based Testing (eMBT) ~short version~

It has been well known for some time that Model based Testing (MBT) has a lot of advantages over other testing approaches. One of the advantages is that you can generate the test cases out of a test model automatically and that only this test model needs to be maintained. In addition, MBT fits perfectly...

Drawing flowchart

Testing without functional requirements?

How often does it happen that the tester is asked to test the system under test without any functional requirements (test basis). And unfortunately, we see too often that the tester simply agrees and starts testing the system under test. But is this really possible? Taking into consideration the definition of functional testing, the answer...


What should we be testing?

In the past 20 years, test automation within the development process has become increasingly important. For each activity within the overall testing process there are tools available, such as test management tools, bug tracking tools, model based testing tools and capture & playback tools. And the list is growing on daily basis. This is logical,...


Model Based Testing without assumptions

Model Based Testing nicely deals with modern development methodologies. But also in traditional development projects, this way of testing has many advantages over other testing methods. However, this is highly dependent on the way we organize our MBT testing process and what role is played by the tester. Should the tester blindly assume an already...

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