If you lost or forgot your password, you will be able to retrieve it at the login page of TestCompass. Click on “Forgot your Password?” and enter your email. Then please check your email for information about how to reset your password.
Through the sales process of TestCompass, you will be able to select the method of payment you prefer. Payment method Access to TestCompass Pay with your PayPal account or create a new PayPal account Directly after purchase Pay with your Credit or Debit card (payment through PayPal without opening an account) Directly after purchase...
You’ll receive your invoice by email within 10 days after purchasing TestCompass.
Please contact us. If you send us your details, we will get back to you as soon as possible with a solution. If you failed ordening TestCompass, please contact us and send us your request to info@compass-testservices.com, providing your details: name, address, email and if required the company name and VAT number.
We are happy to help you. You may send us an email if you have technical questions or use our contact form. We also have information available: Tutorials Blogs
Yes, TestCompass is available in English, Dutch, Spanish, Germain and French. Did you notice a mistake in a supported language? Please let us know. We’ll review it and make sure it’s updated in the next translation.
To login, please click here. To register, please click here.
In brief, we are responsible for all the features of TestCompass. So we will do the following: Solve bugs if there is any (bug means if any feature is not working as it should) If you have any questions we will answer it If you need more assistance, we can also offer additional help against...
We are always glad to help with all questions you may have. Please feel free to contact us.
On our website we have several documentation available. There are Video Tutorials and Blogs. To download the Quick Start Guide, login into TestCompass and click on the book icon in the top menu.